Implementation of Image Management with Cyber Public Relations to Generation Z by Government Organization
1Regia Sulfahmi, 2Mirana Hanathasia
1,2Communication Science Department, Faculty of Economics and Social Science, Bakrie University, Jalan HR Rasuna Said Kav C-22, South Jakarta, Indonesia.
The purpose of this study was to analysis Government Public Relation strategies in the Indonesian Ministry of Health to managing their positive image using the Cyber PR strategy by David Phillips and Philip Young, the Image Formation Model by John S. Nimpoeno, and the PR Message Strategy by Harwood Childs. The research approach used is a qualitative method, with using in-depth interviews with four informants and a triangulator as data analysis techniques. The results show that new form of content on TikTok makes Generation Z have a positive perception of the Indonesian Ministry of Health. In addition, the four components in Cyber PR show that the process of building a positive image get supported the presentation of content in TikTok as new media for the Indonesian Ministry of Health. Finally, the PR strategies to involving in trends and the community in TikTok help expanding the main message.
image management, cyber public relations, generation z, new media, social media
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