Factors Causing Unemployment and Strategies for Handling Unemployment Problems in Cibadak District, Lebak Regency, Banten
1Sugianto,2Ullya Vidriza, 3Indri Arrafi Juliannisa
1,2,3UPN Veteran Jakarta
One of the main indicators of development success is the reduction in the number of poor people and an even distribution of income. Based on BPS data in August 2018, Banten province is the province with the highest open unemployment rate (TPT) in Indonesia. BPS noted that the regional TPT is at 8.52 percent, this figure is even higher than the national average of 5.34 percent and also higher than West Java's 8.17 percent. Cibadak Village is one of the villages located in Cibadak sub-district, Lebak district, Banten province. Cibadak Village is a village that has a high unemployment rate. The population of working age is 1,121 people, but the population registered as workers is only 591 people, so there are still 530 unemployed people in this village. This study uses a rationalistic approach, explaining research in general-specific and all knowledge in this method comes from intellectual use which is built on the ability to reason logically. The population of this study is the heads of families who have unemployed family members, community leaders, and related officials in Cibadak Village, using the research sample for one Rukun Tetangga (RT) in each village, 8 respondents will be taken. This study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques (mix method) which focus on field conditions and the community according to the research area. This research method prefers to use in-depth analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis is used to determine the factors that can cause unemployment in Cibadak Village, and qualitative analysis is used when primary data collection is used to determine strategies in handling unemployment problems using continuous analysis methods, using multiple decision criteria analysis techniques.
Unemployment, economic growth and development, employment, labor force
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