Strategy for Developing Belimbing Tourism Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency
1Pande Ira, 2Ni Putu Oka Agustini, 3Nyoman Tri Lilasari
This study aims to develop recommendations in the form of strategies for development in the Belimbing Tourism Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency. This study was made using a qualitative descriptive method. The results of this study are that internal factors (strengths and weaknesses) have a greater influence than external factors (opportunities and threats). This is indicated by the joint weighting of the informants where the internal factors get a weight of 3.56 while the external factors get a weight of 3.4. The alternative strategies generated through the total weighting of EFAS and IFAS SWOT analysis, obtained a strengths-opportunities (SO) strategy as a strategy for the Belimbing Tourism Village which includes several strategies, namely strategy 1: Packaging tourist attractions, local products and local culture into tour packages and strategy 2: Improving the quality of accommodation and supporting infrastructure facilities in order to provide satisfaction for visiting tourists.
Development, Tourism Village, SWOT Analysis
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