Low Cost Innovation: Implementation in Footwear Industries that Produce for Consumers at the Base of the Pyramid – Bop
1Jose de Figueiredo Belem, 2Ana Marilia Barbosa Oliveira, 3Tharsis Cidália de Sá Barreto Diaz Alencar, 4Edithe Oliveira Nogueira
1CPF 068.003.193-68 ,http://lattes.cnpq.br/0663415534233153,ORCID 0000-0003-4100-7172
2CPF: 006.041.073-66,http://lattes.cnpq.br/5542647075916230
3CPF: 425.960.093-15,http://lattes.cnpq.br/5214712222311784
4CPF 061.811.472-68,ORCID 0000-0003-0189-8943
This article presents an approach to the theory of innovation in low-cost industries that produce for the Base of the Pyramid - BOP, and aims to propose a set ofproceduresthat define and guide implementation in processes to support management during implementation and monitoring. A case study was carried out with two industries in the state of Ceará, to seek an answer to the following research question: What procedures can be proposed to support management during the process of implementing low-cost innovations in footwear industries? The collected data were treated with content analysis techniques divided into stages. As a result, it was possible to structure a set of procedures to be implemented, consisting of five steps, considered adequate to support the management team during the process of implementing innovations in the footwear industries. The proposed lines indicate that in order to implement innovations, the industry must awaken to the need to innovate, learn to innovate, reconfigure the environment, implement the innovations and monitor the results. The article presents academic contributions by exploring the theory of innovation and linking it to the industrial sector. It also presents managerial contributions by proposing a set of procedures for the implementation of innovations in the footwear industries.
Deployment. Innovation. Industrial environments. Base of the Pyramid
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