Rest Area Arrangement to Support Religious Tourism of Mount Kawi, Kebobang Village, Wonosari District, Malang Regency
1Agung Winarno,2 Yuli Agustina,3 M. Aris Ichwanto, 4Maruto
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Malang
4Universitas Pembangunan Nasional
Wonosari Village, Wonosari District, is located in Gunung Kawi, Malang Regency, which has an area of 4500 ha, with a population of 700,000. It is part of the Malang Regency with a distance of ± 30 km from Malang City. the purpose of this community service is to provide knowledge, understanding, skills and assistance on the management of village pilot tourism management so as to improve the performance of managers which will have an impact on the utilization of local potential related to local tourism management, improve welfare, the community's economy and the performance of partner village governments in activities This community service is religious Gunung Kawi in Kebobang Village, Wonosari District, Malang Regency.
Local Potential, Religious Tourism, Rest Area
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