Does Romanian Emigration Influence Labour Force?
1Mihaela IORDACHE, 2Emilia TITAN
1,2The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
The present paper contributes to the studies on Romanian emigration by assessing the link between emigration and labour force. After the elimination of Schengen visa and adhesion to the European Union, the low incomes and the competition on the European Union market influenced and intensified the Romanian emigration, which reached 3 mil. in 2020. However, the number of available jobs followed a similar trend like emigration, being on an increasing trend starting with 2010.
In light of this, the first questions that arises are: There is any connection between migration and labour force? and What is the impact of migration on the labour force? The purpose of this paper is to assess the influence of migration on the labour force in Romania using the main four dimensions of migration: emigration, remittances, return migration and immigration.
KEYWORDS: labor force, migration, Romanian emigration
JEL Classification: F22 International Migration
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