Analysis of the Application of 5C Principles in Credit Decision-Making Against Non-Performing Loans During the COVID-19 Pandemic (Study at PT BRI Unit X Malang Indonesia)
1Tomy Rizky Izzalqurny, 2Mariyatul Kiftiyah, 3Miftahul Jannah
1,2,3Universitas Negeri Malang & Semarang Street 5, Sumbersari, Lowokwaru, Malang Citty, East Java, Indonesia 65145
At BRI Unit X in Malang Indonesia, the increase in NPL in 2022 tends to increase significantly compared to before. This study aims to analyze how the application of the 5C principle in making credit decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic at BRI Unit X, Malang City. In addition, writing this topic also aims to analyze the impact of credit decision-making on the level of Non Performing Loans from BRI Unit X Malang during the COVID-19 pandemic and after the COVID-19 pandemic. This study uses an interpretive qualitative research method with a case study method. Sources of data from this study are: 1) Primary data, namely data obtained directly from researchers from sources. Primary data is obtained by conducting in-depth interviews with key informants, secondary data is data that is already available and collected by other parties such as tables, notes, photos, etc. The secondary data in this study was obtained from the BRI Unit X Non-Performing Loan (NPL) table from 2020-2022. The results of this study in giving credit decisions at BRI Unit X Malang must pass the stages by the applicable standard operating procedures (SOP). The 5C principles in providing credit decisions are character, capacity, capital, collateral, and condition. There is no difference in the procedure for applying the 5C principle in making decisions during the Covid-19 pandemic and before the Covid-19 pandemic. However, according to the informant, after the Covid-19 pandemic, the credit analysis process for customers based on the 5C principle was further tightened. Thus, at BRI Unit X Malang, several efforts were made to overcome problems such as: billing regularly and effectively. So the billing process has been well planned and scheduled until the credit granting period. In addition, the Account Officer (Mantri) supervises the business and intensively handles debtors who have credit problems.
NPL, Bank, Debtor, Credit, Loans
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