Exploratory Analysis of Regional Disparities in Human Development in Cameroon
Serge Decroly FEMBA
Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Dschang, Cameroon
The objective of this paper is to analyze the link between geographic location and the level of human development in Cameroon. To achieve that objective, we use Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) techniques on regional human development indices (HDI) in Cameroon from 2001 to 2014. The Moran test confirms the presence of a positive and significant global spatial autocorrelation of the regional human development indices. Thus, the values of the regional human development index in Cameroon are not randomly distributed. There is thus spatial clustering of regions with similar HDI levels. The spatial dependence of the regional HDI in Cameroon suggests cooperation and synergy of action by the regions within the framework of their competences resulting from decentralization, in order to take advantage of the spatial diffusion effects of human development. The Cameroonian government could pursue geo-targeting policies in the implementation of development programs, focusing on regions where spatial externalities would have a greater impact.
Regional Human Development Index, regional disparities, exploratory spatial data analysis, spatial dependency, Cameroon.
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