Growth Does not Always Mean Growth
Summary Considerations on the Growth of Enterprises and the National Economy Between Profitability, Financial Balance, Sustainability, Enforcement of Human and Economic Rights of Workers
Maria Silvia Avi
1Full Professor in Business Administration, Management Department- Ca’Foscari Venezia
S. Giobbe – Cannaregio 873- 30121 Venezia (Italy)
The growth of companies, non-production companies and nations is often linked to quantitative evaluations that, in reality, do not show real growth in the global sense of the entity on which attention is focused. This is why the title of this article is that growth does not always mean growth. Growth requires evaluating a series of quantitative and qualitative elements in the absence of which growth is not, in reality, real growth in the global sense. The issue, posed in these terms, could have been the subject of a multivolume work covering all the various facets of the concept of corporate and state growth. This is not our objective. For this reason, in this article, we will address issues that simultaneously concern both enterprises and non-production companies, private and public, and nations. Only the simultaneous observance of all these principles, which will be analysed in the following pages, can be said to be a first step towards real growth, even if, as we have already pointed out, the global concept of growth would require an in-depth analysis of topics that are not the subject of this work.
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