The Influence of Competence, Teacher Performance and Principal Leadership on the Quality of Education at the Malang Mardiwiyata Foundation
1Elisabet Saverina Siena, 2Syaiful Arifin, 3Rudy Wahyono
1 Postgraduate student of Study Program. Master of Management at University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
2,3Lecturer Master of Management at University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to describe the variables of Competence, Teacher Performance, Principal Leadership and Education Quality. Analyzing the effect of the variables of competence, teacher performance, and principal leadership simultaneously on the quality of education. Analyzing the variables of competence, teacher performance, and principal leadership partially on the quality of education, as well as knowing to analyze among the variables of competence, teacher performance, and principal leadership which have a dominant influence on the quality of education at the Mardiwiyata Malang Foundation. The population in this study were teachers at the Mardiwiyata Foundation, Malang, totaling 105 people. The sampling technique in this study used the method of questionnaires, interviews, and interviews. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that competence, teacher performance, and principal leadership simultaneously affect the quality of education. Competence, teacher performance, and principal leadership partially affect the quality of education, and competence is the dominant influence on the quality of education at the Mardiwiyata Foundation Malang.
Competence, Teacher Performance, and Principal Leadership Competence on Education Quality
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