Women's Empowerment through the Development of Tourism Villages: A Case Study of Bina Usaha Wanita Small-Medium Industry
1Rabiatul Adawiyah,2 St. Maryam, 3Diswandi Diswandi
1,2,3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram
This research aims to analyze the forms of women's empowerment and their benefits for women and for tourist villages. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study approach in the tourist village of Tetebatu, on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. The data was obtained through observations, interviews and documentation which were then analyzed using the Miles and Huberman models.
The results of the study found that the form of women empowerment in Tetebatu village consists of three categories, namely economic empowerment where this empowerment emphasizes increasing entrepreneurship skills, increasing ability in marketing, improving trying skills and increasing employment opportunities. The second category is socio-cultural empowerment where this empowerment emphasizes increasing women's capacity including the capacity of Tetebatu village such as improving foreign language skills, communication, skills and marketing. Likewise with the increase in village capacity in the form of maintained cultural sustainability, infrastructure progress and environmental cleanliness. The latter is political empowerment where this empowerment emphasizes the ability of women in making decisions and able to mobilize aspirations related to personal and group life through deliberation or consensus.
Women's Empowerment, Economic Empowerment, Socio-Cultural Empowerment, Political Empowerment, Tourism Village
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