A Study of The Effect of Brand Ambidexterity on Brand Performance, Brand Reputation and Brand Commitment (Case Study: Kaleh Brand in Iran)
1Mohammad Taleghani,2Roza Taati
1Associate Professor, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Rasht Branch, Islamic Azad University, Rasht, Iran
2Ph.D. Student of Business Administration (Marketing Management), Faculty of Management and Humanities, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Today, brand is a strategic requirement for organizations, which allows the creation of greater values for customers and sustainable competitive advantages of companies. Creating a strong brand in the market is the primary goal of many organizations. A strong brand can build up customer confidence for the purchase of goods and services, giving them a greater appreciation of the intangibles. Given the importance of the brand in marketing studies, this paper was conducted to investigate the effect of brand ambidexterity on brand performance and commitment. The research population consists of all customers of Kaleh brand in Rasht, Iran. Since the population size was not known, a sample size of n= 384 people was selected using the Cochran's formula for infinite population as well as Krejcie & Morgan table to ensure sampling adequacy. Structural equation modeling (SEM) using partial least squares (PLS) method were also used for data analysis. The results show that brand ambidexterity (exploitation and exploration) affects brand performance. The results also suggested that brand performance affects brand image, brand reputation and brand commitment.
brand ambidexterity, brand performance, brand reputation, brand commitment.
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