Influence of Capital Markets, Inflation, and Demographics on the Growth of Pension Fund Assets in the State Organization of Islamic Cooperation
1Mirza Purta Ashari, 2Mukhammad Yazid Afandi,3 Syafiq Mahmadah Hanafi,4Ibnu Muhdir,5Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo
1Master of Islamic Economics Students, Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University, Indonesia
2,3,4,5Senior Lecturer, Master of Islamic Economics, Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University, Indonesia
The percentage of pension receipts that is still low is experienced by many developing countries in the continent of Asia and Africa in terms of providing pension funds for their citizens. This study seeks to analyze the effect of growth in pension fund assets in OIC member countries. The measurement of the growth of pension fund assets is viewed through the aspects of the number of stock traded, the equity index, the inflation rate, male labor force participation, female labor force participation, the working age, and the retirement age. In addition, this study uses a panel data regression analysis method with the period 2010 to 2019. The results show that there are variables of male labor force participation, female labor force participation, working-age, and retirement age that have a significant effect. Male labor force participation, working-age, and retirement age have a positive effect on the growth of pension fund assets, while female labor force participation has a negative effect on pension fund assets. It can be said that the demographic aspects can influence the growth of pension fund assets in OIC member countries in the period 2010 to 2019.
Pension Fund Assets, Stock Traded, Equity Index, Inflation, Male Labor Force, Female Labor Force, Working-Age, Retirement Age
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