Innovation and Access to External Funding: The Unique Case of Cameroonian Start-Ups
1FOSSI Armand Depesquidoux, 2AKANGA REUBEN Johnson,3 YOMGNI TAWEMBE Nadège Pascaline
1,2Ph.D. in Entrepreneurial Finance
2Ph.D. in Finance
3Ph.D in Human Resources Management, Faculty of Economics and Management Sciences of the University of Dschang, P. O. Box 110 Dschang Cameroun, Department of Accounting and Finance, Laboratoire de Recherche en Management (LAREMA), University of Dschang-Cameroun.
This article studies the effect of the types of innovation of start-ups (product, process, business and organizational innovation) on access to external funding. Thus, the main objective is to identify the specific determinants of innovation likely to influence access to external funding for Cameroonian start-ups. To achieve this, we have adopted a quantitative methodological approach through the administration of 105 questionnaires on start-ups in the cities of Douala and Yaoundé. The collected data were analysed by SPSS software and the logistic regression method was used. The results of these analyses show that the more Cameroonian start-ups adopt commercial innovations, the more likely they are to access external funding.
Innovation, Types of innovation, start-ups, External funding
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