Resilience, a Relevant Strategy for the Recovery of Tourist Destinations
1Younes TANANI,2Aziz SAIR
1Doctoral researcher in economics and management sciences, Research Laboratory on Tourism Studies
2Professor of Higher Education at the ENCG of Agadir, Research Laboratory on Tourism Studies
The resilience of tourist destinations is nowadays an essential means for a successful and efficient management of all sectors. In Morocco, the tourism sector, whose revenues are ranked third nationally, should be strengthened and immunized against all risks and contingencies (Covid-19 as an example) that can slow down or hinder its growth and constitute a locomotive of socio-economic development.
This paper is a review of the theoretical literature on the resilience of tourist destinations. The study focuses on twenty or so articles that have been subjected to a rigorous textual analysis. And finally, it can be concluded that the latter revealed that resilience is determined mainly by two parameters, risk management and vulnerability.
Resilience, a tourist destination, Socio-economic development, Risk management, Vulnerability.
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