Development of Sharia Micro Insurance Model at Islamic Baording School Sunan Drajat
1Musbikhin,2Biyati Ahwarumi,3Anas Alhifni
1,2,3Sunan Drajat Institute, Sunan Drajat Institute, Djuanda University
Islamic Boarding School Sunan Drajat is a boarding school with a population of students reaching 12000 plus 20 business units spread across various sectors so that the existence of micro insurance is needed as a form of social security for students and others. This study aims to make a proposed model for the development of sharia insurance that can be developed at the Islamic boarding school in accordance with existing needs. The research method used in this study is a qualitative approach with ANP analysis techniques, the use of ANP analysis techniques aims to determine the extent to which the response from Sunan Drajat stakeholders is in accordance with what is needed. The results show that the micro insurance model that can be applied at the Islamic Boarding School Sunan Drajat is a micro insurance model that is oriented towards the welfare of students, especially in the form of health insurance with an easy, safe and profitable service system so that it can provide guarantees to students.
Sharia Micro Insurance, Islamic Boarding School Sunan Drajat
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