Learning to Work While Homebound – The Effects of Remote Work on Job Performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic
1Oscar Aliaga Rebolledo, 2Daniel Cofré Vega,3Rolando Soto Belmar
1Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Pudahuel, Valle Generoso 577
2Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Quilicura, Pedro Riveros 1521
3Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Santiago, Independencia, Escanilla 255
The lockdown measures and population movement restrictions as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic as well forced the companies to implement the “Working from Home (WFH)” modality, this situation created an involuntary expansion that has incorporated different functions that cannot be correctly performed in a remote way. WFH characteristic have changed as a consequence of movement restrictions, the incorporation of administrative functions and the work schedule inflexibility, creating this way the rising job category “Working Homebound with Reduced Flexibility” (THC, from its name in Spanish). This is the main reason why we have questioned its effect over the labor productivity and performance. The realized inquiries point out a learning process that has been stablished and does not decline the labor performance. Nevertheless, the TCH side effects on leadership, communication and organizational culture show ambiguous results, depending on the organization base conditions and the place where TCH is done. We are looking forward to creating a discussion over TCH, pointing out the motivation and commitment risks due to the impossibility to decide where, how and when to work, adding the management focus based on duties that decrease the motivation, creativity, and performance in long terms.
Covid-19 Pandemic, telework, labor performance, organizational learning, working homebound, performance management.
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