Knowledge as a Source of Innovation for Entrepreneurial Firms
1Siti Aisah Janaji, 2Kamariah Ismail, 3Fahmi Ibrahim
1,2,3Universiti Teknologi Brunei
Knowledge is perceived as critical sources to non-technological and technological entrepreneurial firms in commercializing products and services. Knowledge-based view highlights that the diverse knowledge bases within firms reflect the firms’ performance. Gradually, the access to external and internal sources of knowledge can be transformed into stocks of knowledge thus, is embedded in such as organizational routines. Albeit the fact that entrepreneurial firms may have lack of financial capital, the exploration and exploitation of new and existing knowledge will enable firms to create value, and subsequently obtain competitive advantage as they grow. This paper will review how entrepreneurial firms can utilize knowledge for innovation.
Innovation, Products, Services, Knowledge-based View, and Competitive Advantage,
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