Effective Communication as a Tool for Achieving Organizational Goals and Objectives
Christine Reidhead
Navajo Technical University
Communication is a critical element of human behavior. In other words, it's an act by which one person gives to or receives information from another person that involves a person's needs, desire, knowledge, opinions, and perceptions. Communication within the workplace can occur under various modes like writing, verbal and nonverbal (body gestures and facial expression). In business and industry, communication helps align workers with figuring out each other and realizing the target of the organization, which suggests objectives, are often within the target, attained, and improved. Without workplace communication, nothing can be done. Keyton's study found that communication can be defined as a procedure of transmitting information from one person to another person and understand it. It is also known as an instrument of social relations. It helps people understand themselves to keep in touch with people and predict their response to a situation. This paper explores the role that communication plays to achieve an organization or business’ goals and objectives.
Effective Communication, Workplace, Business Goals, Barriers to Effective Communication and Verbal and Nonverbal Communication.
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