Factors Influencing Changes in the Rate of the National Currency and
the Ways of Its Stabilization
1Ermat Kadirov,2Guzal Babaeva
1Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Finance
2Senior Lecturer, Tashkent Institute of Finance
This scientific article analyzes the influence of such factors as the growth rate of prices of gross domestic product, the growth rate of prices for goods, works and services during the year, the state of the foreign trade balance, the balance of the state budget on the rate of the national currency of Uzbekistan, while considering their positive or negative impact , as well as a forecast of its further changes. On the basis of the study, individual proposals were formulated to stabilize and strengthen the exchange rate of the national currency in Uzbekistan, among them the development and implementation of a fundamentally new economic policy with the orientation of market reforms in sectors whose share is small in the creation of the country's domestic product, to develop measures using market instruments to reduce the financial pressure of foreign currencies, which exert significant pressure on the domestic financial market, developing measures to increase the minting of gold coins and establishing the issuance of treasury gold bonds, active privatization of inefficient state assets, stimulating exports and expanding the localization of imports, as well as to achieve a positive balance of payments by market mechanisms , an increase in state budget spending on economic development by reducing spending on the social sphere, defense and management, and more.
National currency exchange rate, inflation, gross domestic product, gross domestic product per capita, growth rates of prices for goods, works and services, foreign trade balance, balance of payments, exports, imports, state budget balance, deficit, surplus, treasury gold bonds, government assets, targeting.
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UZBEKISTAN. AsiaPacificJournalofBusinessReview, 5(1), 11-19.