Gambling Tourism and Economic Development: Some Lessons from Macao
1Theodore Metaxas, 2Sotiris Folinas
1Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
2PhD Candidate, Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
This article aims to explore and document the relationship between forms of alternative tourism and economic development. More specifically, the subject of this investigation will be whether a small national economy is able to rely wholly or largely on tourist flows as a source of income and even to invest in a single type of tourism. Alternative forms of tourism, gaming tourism as well as the features of territorially limited countries and how they are linked to the case of Macao will also be objects of study and annotation. With the process of text production through scientific articles, statistical data, and reliable databases, this article attempts to satisfy the investigated relationship as well as the stemming questions.
gaming tourism, tourism-based development, regional development, Small Island developing states, Macao.
JEL Classification: Z32
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