Hygienic conditions in Quick Service Restaurants during Covid-19 Pandemic: A Customers Perspectives
1Remon Samir Fouad1, PhD, 2Dalia Ibrahim Helal, PhD
1Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Minia University, Egypt Human resources and Training manager, COSTA | Egypt - Jordan
2Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management, Helwan University, Cairo, Egypt Tourism Specialist, Egyptian Tourism Promotion Board, Cairo, Egypt
COVID-19 crisis has hit many QSRs hard. There are numerous problems which are faced by these restaurants due to the high competition in the market. Nowadays, there is an even major problem to be faced in the food industry, which is Coronavirus pandemic. It has a disastrous effect on the food industry. There have been dramatic declines in sales for many Quick Service Restaurants. Some of them have permanently closed their doors. The aim of this research is to examine the hygiene and health conditions in quick service restaurants (QSRs) from customers perspective during Covid-19 Pandemic with a specific focus on international chains in Egypt. Moreover, examining QSR’ customers information about COVID-19. In order to achieve this aim, a questionnaire was designed and distributed to a convenience sample of QSR’s customers in order to illustrate to what extent QSR chains are maintain the proper hygienic and health conditions during pandemic. The results interestingly showed that QSRsgoers are moderately satisfied with the hygienic procedures that maintained in these chains. In this regard, it is recommended that QSR chains should struggle to increase the level of their customers satisfaction regarding this subject e.g., provision of disinfection materials, wearing and providing protective face masks, gloves, and disposable cutlery and paper cups.
COVID-19; quick service restaurants QSRs; food industry; hygiene and health conditions.
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