The Influence of Leadership Style and Motivation on Employee Performance in the Department of Transportation, Tourism, Communication and Informatics in Ngada District
Maria Oktavianus Botha Djawa
Organizational goals stated in the vision and mission of the organization are influenced by employee performance and leadership style. The Department of Transportation, Tourism, Communication and Information Technology is a government organization that provides services to the community in the fields of transportation, tourism, and communication and information technology. The purpose of this study was to (1) analyze the effect of leadership style on employee performance. (2) The effect of employee motivation on employee performance. This research is a case study at the Department of Transportation, Tourism, Communication and Information, Ngada Regency. The method used is descriptive quantitative research.
The results showed that: (1) there is a positive and significant influence of leadership style on employee performance. (2) There is an influence of motivation on employee performance in the Department of Transportation, Tourism, Communication and Informatics, Ngada Regency. This research can be used to become a reference for the leadership of the Ngada Regency Department of Transportation, Tourism, Communication and Information in carrying out their duties to control the organization in achieving organizational goals effectively through leadership styles to improve employee performance.
Product Design, Product Quality, Customer Satisfaction
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