Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Competitive Advantage, Learning Organization and SME Performance
1Limgiani,2 Novi Trisnawati,3 Adi Faradian
1Postgraduate Management Masters Study Program, Wisnuwardhana University Malang-Indonesia
2Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Wisnuwardhana University Malang-Indonesia
3Student Postgraduate Management Masters Study Program, Wisnuwardhana University Malang-Indonesia
The existence of SMEs has an important role in improving people's living standards, as well as in economic development. The purpose of this study is to analyze the confirmatory factors of competitive advantage, learning organization and SME performance. Analysis of the data used in the study using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) techniques, the results of the study show that the learning organization of SMEs in this study was formed by indicators of system thinking development, mentality model development, personal skills, teamwork and flexibility and indicators that are considered to have the greatest contribution. or the most powerful form of learning organization variable is teamwork. The competitive advantage of SMEs is formed by indicators of resources adding positive value, resources are unique or rare, resources are difficult to imitate and resources cannot be replaced by other sources and indicators that are considered to have the largest or strongest contribution to form competitive advantage variables are difficult resources. imitated. The performance of SMEs is formed by indicators of financial performance, innovative performance, production performance and marketing performance and the indicator that is considered to have the largest or strongest contribution in shaping the performance variable of SMEs is financial performance.
Competitive Advantage, Learning Organization and SME Performance
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