SMM as a Tool to Promote Products and Services in the Modern Economy through the Internet
Tamila Ismetovna Musredinova
Master in Financial Management Free applicant at Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology, Republic of Uzbekistan,city Namangan
This article discusses the concept of SMM as a tool for promotion and marketing of goods and services in the economy to the market. It also highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages of SMM - promotion. Described the specifics, trends and conduct and promotion in social networks. The definition of concepts such as brand, targeting, target audience. Considered the dynamics of SMM tools and current trends in the industry. Highlighted the features and importance of the target audience for brand promotion. What we have to consider when creating content, choosing methods of community-building, tools for promotion.
SMM, internet, marketing, social networks, brand, economy, promotion, market, demand, targeting, target audience.
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