Improving the Methods of Assessing the Socio-Economic Potential of the Regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Basis of Intellectual Mathematical Models
Umid Abdullaevich Otajanov
PhD, Tashkent State University of Economics
The article examines the investment potential of the territories of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the issues and investment distribution problems in them. Also, in the article predictions were made using programs of mathematical models of artificial neural networks in the analysis of distributions process problems,and the results were determined by comparing the results with trend and panel methods.
Sustainable territorial socio-economic development is determined by general laws of country socio-economic development, the share of export products in the total output of the region, depending on the composition of the gross regional product, in key sectors of the economy is determined by features such as competitive product, scientific potential, population income. Therefore, the problems that arise in ensuring the socio-economic development of the region in modern conditions will have their own regional characteristics.Addressing the territorial socio-economic development problems require strengthening the regulatory role of the state in determining regional economic policy, governance, the development of effective systems, tools and methods of state regulation. Sustainable territorial socio-economic development also depends on the self-sufficiency level of resources and effective budget finance, credit, tax and price policies.
Territory, Gross Territorial Product, Investment, Model, Neural Network, Layer, Intellectual Mathematical Model, Investment Potential, Prognosis.
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