Empowerment Of Besek Bamboo Crafts In Coastal Communities, Kasiyan Village, Puger District, Jember Regency
1Nanik Hariyana, 2Nuruni Ika K W, 3Nurkholish Majid
1,2,3Management Faculty of Economics and Business, UPN Veteran Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Activities in the trade of bamboo basket crafts by the people of Kasiyan Village to Mojosari Village, which are mutually beneficial, certainly provide benefits and become a strategic economic link. Matrix IFAS and EFAS note that the results of the weighting of the strategic factors obtained a total score of 1.97 strengths and a total score of 1.93 weaknesses so that the total number of internal factors is 3.91. Meanwhile, the total score of opportunity is 2.41 and the total score of threat is 1.97 with the total number of external factors being 3.9. So that the position of the bamboo besek business in the SWOT diagram is in quadrant I. Therefore, the strategy that must be carried out by this bamboo besek business is an aggressive strategy, namely the S-O strategy which has been analyzed through SWOT matrix analysis.
Community Empowerment, Bamboo Besek
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