Determinants of the Level of Participation in Green Supply Chain Management: Case of Vietnamese Electronics Manufacturing Enterprises
1Do Hoai Linh,2 Tran Duc Thanh, 3Do Thanh Tra,
4Nguyen Thu Ha,5 Vu Danh Tai, 6Dao Thu Huong
1,2,3,4,5,6National Economics University, Vietnam
The study explores the main drivers that affecting the level of participation in green supply chain management of Vietnamese electronics manufacturing enterprises. The research team divided into two groups of factors, which are internal and external pressures. With primary data obtained from 544 electronics manufacturing enterprises in the Red River Delta and Southeast regions of Vietnam, the team applied two modeling software, SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 25.0. Combined with secondary data, the research team found that business type, size, environmental regulations, market pressures, and efficiency-oriented motivations all affect the level of management involvement. green supply chain. Since then, the research team has developed recommendations based on these groups of variables with the goal of promoting the participation of enterprises in the green supply chain management model.
Green supply chain, Green supply chain management, Electronics manufacturers, Supply chain management Vietnam.
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