The Effects of Organizational Design and Decision Making Process on Organizational Performance
1Ayundha Evanthi,2 Ratih Mukti Azhar
1,2Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jawa Timur, Surabaya, Indonesia
This research was aimed to analyze organizational performance through organizational design and decision making process. Garuda Indonesia was chosen as the case study object of this research, because the condition of organizational design and decision making process were taken through decentralization method. This research result referred that the organizational design and decision making process could affect positively on organizational performance, which in this recent research, the organizational design was proven to deliver positive effects on organizational performance, but only on organic org. form. Garuda Indonesia as a full service airline needed innovation to keep improving and being customer choice, which the strategic decision making was taken through decentralization method according to the dynamic needs in the middle of competitive environment with full of uncertainties.
Organizational Design, Decision Making Process, Organizational Performance
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