The Effect of Inflation, Rupiah Exchange, Interest Rate, Earning Volatility and Cash Holding on Stock Prices of Manufacturing Companies Listed on IDX
1Ardianto Wilano,2Jordan Gozali,3Evelin Mishella Pakpahan,4Ninta Katharina
1,2,3,4Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
Researchers are looking at how inflation, rupiah exchange rates, interest rates, earnings volatility, and cash holdings influence stock prices. This is a quantitative research that utilizes secondary data from the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Based on the data, we can see that manufacturing firms' stock prices peaked in 2017 at 1,648.48, but dropped substantially in 2019 to 1471.84. The research shows that profit has a fluctuating role in manufacturing firms' net income. As a result, the researcher advises manufacturing firms to maintain their stock prices to keep investors interested in the sector.
Inflation, Rupiah Exchange Rate, Interest Rate, Earning Volatility and Cash Holding and Stock Price
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