Koperasi Pegawai Republik Indonesia (KPRI) Member Participation on Cooperative Development in Mataram
1Yulinda Ramdlan,2 Muhammad Irwan,
3Ihsan Ro’is
1,2,3Master of Economic, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Mataram
This study aims to determine the participation of KPRI members on the development of cooperatives in Mataram City, the responses of members after interviews. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques are interviews, observation and documentation.
The results of the study generally show that the participation of members in saving their capital is very good, it is shown that they always pay principal savings, mandatory savings and voluntary savings. With the high participation of members in saving their capital, it shows that members have confidence in the cooperative as a member's money saving institution. Meanwhile, the results of the research on the participation of members in attending the annual members' meeting were very good, as indicated by the results of interviews and data processing conducted by researchers. although there are still members who do not attend the annual member meeting because they are sick, have permission and some are out of town on duty. It is very good for members' participation in participating in this member's meeting because the management disseminates invitation letters regarding the implementation of the RAT, and the management gives prizes or door prizes to members who attend the RAT. As for the participation of members in utilizing the cooperative's business services, it is considered good, members always use the business unit and they have become loyal customers to shop and transact at the KPRI Multipurpose, Kencana and Lentera business units. However, some of the business units in KPRI Serbaguna experienced a decrease in income, but according to the head of the cooperative, this decline did not have an impact on the loss of the cooperative's business. The good participation of members in utilizing this business unit is because the services provided by the management are very good and the management works honestly and openly.
Analysis, KPRI Member Participation, Cooperative Development
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