Impacts of Covid-19 Outbreak in Mental Health of Physicians and Nurses
1Leonardo Maso Nassar2Lisa Wolf, 3Jorge Luis Sánchez Arevalo
1,University of São Paulo2,Hochschule Ravensburg - Weingarten university of Applied Sciences
3,Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
COVID-19 was a disease emerged in China and quickly became a pandemic. The pandemic has put health professionals under strong pressure. This situation can cause perpetual damage to mental health. Objective: the objective of the study was to conduct a scooping review to investigate the studies already produced on COVID-19's mental impacts on physicians and nurses. Methodology: the mnemonic population, concept and context of the Joanna Briggs Institute was used for a scooping review. Results: two studies carried out in China and three letters to the editors were found addressing mental problems in physicians and nurses. Conclusion: despite being a recent disease, COVID-19 already demonstrates impacts on the mental health of physicians and nurses. Although the articles were made in China, reports from other countries suggest that physicians and nurses around the world are mentally impacted by work during the pandemic, with relates of suicides ideation and suicide cases among nurses in Italy, in England, in USA, in Mexico and in India.
COVID-19; Mental Illness; Physicians; Nurses.
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